Using a Next-Gen Platform and Deeply Digital Curricula to Support Alpha and iGen Learners and Their Teachers

Anne Tapp, Elliot Soloway, Cathie Norris, Alex St.Clair
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Current curricula and pedagogy need to change to effectively support the learning needs of the Alphas and iGens. The Alpha Generation, children born after 2012, known as the “digital-first” generation, have grown up on hand-held, digital screens not watching television or reading paper-based books. Similarly, the iGens, also known as Gen Zs, university students born between 1995 and 2012, are the first generation to spend their entire adolescence in the age of the smartphone. "With social media and texting replacing other activities, iGen spends less time with their friends in person” (Twenge, 2017). The COVID disruption further pushed the Alphas and iGens onto screens for social interaction and learning. Returning to paper-and-pencil curricula and pedagogy does not serve the needs of these generations. The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) (2010) issued a prescient report describing the potential for deeply-digital curricula to “provide a richer and more engaging experience through interactive components, videos, simulations, hyperlinks …” (p. 77). Alphas' and iGens' deeply-digital experiences outside of school have them expecting deeply-digital learning experiences inside of school. Toward addressing the learning needs of Alphas in Kindergarten through sixth grade and iGen university students, we have been studying how deeply-digital, highly-interactive curricula plus digitally-motivated, pedagogical practices can increase their engagement and achievement in both in-class and remote learning environments.


Deeply-digital curricula, Student engagement, STEM, Alpha generation, iGen

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