The Relationship between Adjustment and Learning Motivation with Learning Outcomes in Participants Basic Training of Prospective Civil Servants Ministry of Transportation
Self-Adjustment, Learning Motivation, Learning Outcomes, CPNS Basic TrainingAbstract
This research is a correlational study to examine the relationship between self-adjustment and the learning outcomes of participants in the Ministry of Transportation's Basic Civil Service Civil Service Training, the relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes of participants in the Ministry of Transportation's Basic Civil Service Civil Service Training, and the relationship between self-adjustment and learning motivation together with learning outcomes of participants in the Ministry of Transportation's CPNS Basic Training. The problem in this research is formulated as follows: Is there a relationship between self-adjustment and the learning outcomes of participants in the Ministry of Transportation's CPNS Basic Training? Is there a relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes of participants in the Ministry of Transportation's Basic Training for Civil Servants of the Ministry of Transportation? Is there a relationship between self-adjustment and learning motivation together with the learning outcomes of participants in the Ministry of Transportation's CPNS Basic Training? The method used in this study uses the survey method with correlational approach. The sample in this study consisted of 118 people who were selected by stratified random sampling technique. Data analysis in this study using SPSS computer software. The data in this study were taken through the distribution of a questionnaire/questionnaire to the sample. Based on the results of data processing shows there is a significant positive relationship between self-adjustment and learning outcomes of participants in the Ministry of Transportation's Basic Training for Civil Servants where tcount > ttable (6.310 > 1.662) and with a significance probability of 0.000 < 0.05, and is also supported by an R square of 0.256 or 25.6%.There is a significant positive relationship with motivation study with the learning outcomes of participants in the CPNS Basic Training of the Ministry of Transportation where tcount > ttable (33.665 > 1.662) and with a significance probability of 0.000 < 0.05, and also supported by an R square of 0.241 or 24.1%.There is a significant relationship between self-adjustment and motivation study together with the learning outcomes of participants in the CPNS Basic Training of the Ministry of Transportation where F count > F table or 19.974 > 3.104 and with a significance probability of 0.000 < 0.05, and is also supported by an R square of 0.258 or 25.8%. Thus, there is a relationship that significant positive between self-adjustment and learning outcomes, learning motivation and learning outcomes, and self-adjustment and learning motivation together with participants' learning outcomes in the Ministry of Transportation's CPNS Basic Training.Downloads
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