The Influence between the Use of Online Learning Media and Student Learning Independence on Learning Outcomes in Creative Product and Entrepreneurship Subjects
Online Learning Media, Self-reliance on learning, learning outcomes.Abstract
This research uses quantitative research. The objectives are to: 1) know the influence of the use of online learning media on the learning outcomes of Creative Products and Entrepreneurship, 2) know the influence of student self-reliance on the learning outcomes of Creative Products and Entrepreneurship and 3) know the influence of the use of online learning media and student learning independence on the learning outcomes of Creative Products and Entrepreneurship. The problems in this study are as follows: 1) is there any influence of the use of online learning media on CPE learning outcomes? 2) Is there any influence of student self-reliance on CPE learning outcomes? 3) Is there any influence of the use of online learning media and student learning independence on the learning outcomes? This research method uses path analysis method or path analysis. The sample consisted of 34 students with random sampling techniques. Data analysis in this study using questionnaires and documentation. In proving hypothesis 1, there was a direct and significant influence of Online Learning Media (X1) on CPE Learning Outcomes (X3) of 31.61%. There are other variables with a variation of 68.39% that can affect the learning outcomes beyond the variables of online learning media that need to be researched further. In proving hypothesis 2, there was a direct and significant influence of Learning Efficacy (X2) on CPE Learning Outcomes (X3) of 30.39%. There are other variables with a variation of 69.61% that can affect the learning outcomes beyond the variables of Self-Reliance Learning. In proving hypothesis 3, there was a direct and significant influence of Online Learning Media (X1) on Learning Independence (X2) of 31.56%. There are other variables with a variation of 68.44% that can affect Learning Independence beyond the Variables of Online Learning Media. Thus 1. The concept of online learning media is done in an indirect or indirect way between the teacher and the student. Teaching and learning activities using online Learning Media can be done flexibly where students can access or conduct learning anytime and anywhere. 2. This online learning media is very suitable for learning activities in the midst of the current pandemic. 3. If the online learning media is packed with good and unique, this learning media can be the most efficient learning media and close to learners. Even this learning media is not only as a learning media but also can be as a medium of information, entertainment and education.Downloads
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