Improvement of Reading and Learning Skills through Interactive CD Learning Media

Yuli Nugraheny, Zainal Abidin Arief, Sigit Wibowo, Heldy Ramadhan Putra Pembangunan
194 121


This research is a Classroom Action Research with the aim of knowing the improvement of children's reading and learning abilities after being implemented with Interactive CD media. The problem in this study is formulated as follows: 1. Can learning using Interactive CDs in students improve children's early reading skills? 2. Can learning using Interactive CDs improve children's learning? 3. How is the process of improving reading and learning skills through learning using interactive CDs? The method used is a qualitative research method. The sample was 13 students in group B. Data analysis in this study used qualitative descriptive techniques and quantitative data analysis. Data collection techniques are observation and documentation. The results of data processing of children's early reading ability showed an increase in the average class in early reading ability, from an average pre-action of 47% with the Beginning to Develop (MB) category increasing to 59% with the Developing According to Expectations (BSH) category in cycle 1 then increasing in cycle 2 to 84% in the Very Good Developing category (BSB) and at the end of cycle 3 it increased again until it reached an average of 97% in the Very Good Developing category (BSB). Meanwhile, in children's learning motivation, it can be seen that there is an increase in the average percentage of class motivation from pre-action with an average of 44% in the Enough category, increasing to 67% in the High category in cycle 1, then increasing again to 85% in the Very High category in cycle 2 and increasing to 95 % in the Very High category in the 3rd cycle. Meanwhile, in the learning process of reading with Interactive CD media, there was an increase in the Good category from Cycle 1 by 53%, increasing to 86% in the 2nd cycle and 100% in the 3rd cycle. Thus it can be concluded that learning to readand learning with Interactive CD media can improve children's reading and learning abilities.


Reading Ability, Children's Learning Motivation, Interactive CD

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