Development of Online Learning Media Based Video on Class V Science Lessons in Mi Al Khoiriyah Depok
Development Research, Online Learning Media, Science Learning VideosAbstract
Research and Development aimed at producing a video-based online learning media product at MI Al Khoiriyah Tapos. The problems in this study are formulated as follows: (1) How is the process of developing online learning media in science subjects of animal and human organs of motion for class V MI Al Khoiriyah, Depok City. (2) What is the feasibility level of material and learning video media in science subjects of animal and human organs of motion material for class V.(3) How is the effectiveness of the use of media Learning videos in science subjects animal and human organs of motion in improving the learning outcomes of class V students. 1) Preliminary research and data collection, 2) Model design, 3) Validation of expert tests and one-to-one tests, 4) Product revision, 5) Small group test, 6) Product revision, 7) Large group test, 8) Product revision, 9) Final model. The sample in this study was that the students of class V MI Al Khoiriyah consisted of 23 students, with details of 3 students for the small group trial and 23 students for the large group trial. Data analysis techniques use qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of data processing obtained: 1) The feasibility test assessment by material experts is assessed based on the relevance of the material contained in the learning media to get a percentage of the value of 89% of the assessment results, including being very feasible to use. 2) The assessment of the feasibility test of learning media is assessed based on the relevance of the media getting a percentage of 84% value and belongs to the category of "feasible". 3) The assessment of the one to one test on students to find out the level of media use gets a percentage of 89% value and belongs to the category of "very feasible". 4) The assessment of a small group trial conducted by 3 students received a percentage of 84% and belonged to the "decent" category. 5) The normality test of video-based online learning media in science lessons gets sig values of 0.103 (Pre Test) and 0.383 (Post Test) then it can be concluded that these values are distributed "Normal". 6) The effectiveness test of video-based online learning media in science lessons gets a score of 18,043, so with these results, video-based online learning media in class V science lessons are effectively used in learning activities.Downloads
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