Efforts for the Role of Mothers as Informal Educators in Stimulating Motoric Development in Early Childhood in Kedung Jaya Bogor
Mother's Role Efforts, Informal Educators, Motor Development Stimulation, Early Childhood.Abstract
This study is a qualitative research to describe and analyze the role of mothers as informal educators in stimulating motor development of early childhood in Kedung Jaya Village, Bogor. The problem in this research is formulated as follows: what is the role of mothers as informal educators in stimulating motor development of early childhood in Kedung Jaya Village, Bogor? The method in this study used a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The selection of data sources using purposive sampling, namely mothers with early childhood who live in Kedung Jaya Village, Bogor totaling 3 mothers and 4 children. Collecting data using observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis includes 3 phases, namely: data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing and verification. Based on the exposure and research findings, it was found that the role of mothers as informal educators in stimulating motor development of early childhood has not shown ideal results. Optimizing the role of mothers as informal educators will have a major impact on the motor development of early childhood. Mother's success in stimulating children's motor development is influenced by age, education level, knowledge, living environment, mother's physical condition and family's socioeconomic conditions. Motor development of early childhood is one of the important aspects of development for the future of children, therefore researchers recommend two important things that can be done by mothers in an effort to improve motor development of early childhood, namely.Downloads
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