Students Learning Results of IPS Open Junior High School in Jakarta




reading comprehension ability, independence of learning, learning resource utilization


The objective of the research was to study the relationship between Reading Comprehension Ability, Self-Learning, The Utilization of Learning Resources with IPS Learning Outcome. The study was carried out at Open Junior High School DKI Jakarta. The study utilized the survey method. The sample size was 90 taken Multi Stage Sampling from the population. The data were collected using instrument in form of test and questionnaire. The data were analyzed using multiple regression and statistical correlation technique. The research concludes that there is a positive correlation between: 1) Reading Coprehension Ability with IPS Learning Outcome, 2) Self Learning with IPS Learning Outcome, 3) The function of Learning Resources with IPS Learning Outcome. Furthermore, the research finds out that there is a positive correlation between those three independent variables with IPS Learning Outcome. Therefore to improve IPS Learning Outcome can be carried out by improving Reading Comprehension Ability, Self-Learning and The Utilization of Learning Resources.

Author Biographies

Ita Yusnita, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Educational Management, Technology

Zainal Abidin Arief, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Zainal Abidin AriefUniversitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia  

Sigit Wibowo, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Sigit WibowoUniversitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia  

Umi Fatonah, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Umi FatonahUniversitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia





