Development of Objective Structured Practical Examination/OSPE System Based on Web and Mobile in the Faculty of Medicine
exam system, objective structured practical examination, opeAbstract
This study aims to 1) develop a web and mobile-based Objective Structured Practical Examination/OSPE exam system, and 2) determine the feasibility level of a web and mobile-based Objective Structured Practical Examination/OSPE exam system as a system that assists Faculty of Medicine administrators in managing exams. , question bank management, analysis of questions, record of test results, management of scores and analysis of test results. This study uses a research and development method that adapts Sugiyono's development model. The development procedure is carried out through: (1) Preliminary study stages, including: literature studies and field studies. (2) The development stage is carried out by making model designs and system prototypes followed by validation of assessments by medical education assessment experts, media experts, learning experts and limited group trials and broad group trials to assess the feasibility of the exam system created. (3) The evaluation stage is the final stage of the development process related to the web and mobile-based Objective Structured Practical Examination/OSPE final exam system model. Collecting data in the study using an assessment instrument with a Likert scale. The results of the study show 1) DevelopmentWeb-based and mobile-based Objective Structured Practical Examination/OSPE exam systemwith the Sugiyono model and 2) The results of the feasibility of the limited group trial included the category …………… (……%), the broad group trial included the category ………………. (……%), medical education assessment experts belong to the category …………. (……%), media experts belong to the category ………… (……%), learning experts belong to the category ……………… (……%). Based on the results of the assessment of the five stages, thenWeb-based and mobile-based Objective Structured Practical Examination/OSPE exam systemstated …………. (……%) to be used asObjective Structured Practical Examination/OSPE exam systemat the Faculty of Medicine, Gunadarma University.Downloads
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