Requirements Analysis of Media Development Interactive Multimedia-Based Learning on Three Dimensional Geometry Materials
Three Dimensional Geometry, Mind Mapping, Interactive Multimedia.Abstract
Three-dimensional geometry is one of the branches of Mathematics that is considered difficult by students. This is indicated by the low score of the National Examination achieved compared to other Mathematics materials, one of the causes of the difficulty is the problem of visualizing the materials in three-dimensional geometry. This study aims to analyze the need for the development of interactive multimedia-based learning media combined with mind mapping learning methods on three-dimensional geometry material. The research method was conducted in the form of distributing questionnaires to 28 teachers and 101 students. Based on the results of the questionnaire conducted for teachers, data obtained as much as 89.29% had difficulty in conveying three-dimensional geometry material, which is caused by the difficulty of students in imagining the material without using visual aids (33.93%). In the learning process 92.86% only use the blackboard as a learning medium. Teachers agree 100% interactive multimedia tools will help visualize three-dimensional geometry material. Students also view that even this material is difficult by 77%, the biggest cause is that it is difficult to imagine (visualize) by 39.42%. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was also found that 65.35% of students had used multimedia-based aids, 75.24% of students were interested (if any) using multimedia-based teaching tools related to three-dimensional geometry, 63.37% of students thought it could increase motivation and 68.32% will improve learning outcomes.Downloads
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