Autonomous Emergency Water Station




engineering, life preservation, smart systems


An emergency water station for migrants crossing the Texas-Mexico border is designed and implemented. This station uses satellite communication to send the number of remaining water jugs to the volunteers in charge of replenishment. This paper outlines the features of the complete design and discusses the primary functions of the main three subsystems of the station. The first subsystem is the station structure, which holds the water jugs, electronics equipment and the flagpole. The second subsystem consists of the electronics/communication system which tallies and transmits the number of water jugs remained in the station. The third component is the solar-based power system to charge the batteries and provide power to the electronic components. The fully constructed design fits within a standard truck bed (78” x 64”) for easy transportation. It can withstand an operational temperature of 20°F - 140°F and a maximum wind speed of 40mph. Special attention is paid to the operational cost of the communication system to keep it under $5 per month. The number of one-gallon water jugs remained in the station is reported at least once per day within the accuracy of ±1 jug. The station is visible at night from at least one mile away by using LED mounted on top of a 25-foot pole.

Author Biographies

Winona Menezes, Trinity University

Winona Menezes UniversityUSAContact e-mail:

Elyse Reynolds, Trinity University

Elyse Reynolds UniversityUSA

Robert Swallow, Trinity University

 Robert Swallow UniversityUSA

Jacob Thweatt, Trinity University

Jacob Thweatt UniversityUSA

Farzan Aminian, Department of Engineering Science Trinity University 1 Trinity Place San Antonio, Texas 78212 USA

Professor and Chair of Engineering Science Department

Mehran Aminian, St. Mary's University

 Mehran Aminian Mary's UniversityUSA

Darin George, Trinity University

Darin George UniversityUSA





