The Good, The Bad, What HBCUs Wish They Had: The Benefit of Data Warehouse Technology
data warehouse, decision support systems, retention, recruitment, HBCUAbstract
In the middle of a technological revolution, we are working in a global market and organizations are all competing to survive. As these organizations try to develop strategies, many have determined that the solution is data. Planning, development, and implementation of data warehouses will provide the infrastructure for organizations to integrate decision support systems and business tools to generate reporting and data visualizations to assist in decision-making. Many organizations are taking advantage of this technology but many are lagging behind, one example is Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). HBCUs serve a unique population of students that other institutions may not offer an opportunity to. Due to low enrollment and a harsh economy, many institutions struggle with recruitment and retention, and HBCUs struggle more than others. HBCUs lack the data warehouse and decision support systems as their peers. HBCUs would benefit in the area of retention and recruitment if given data warehouse and decision support system technology.Downloads
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