Resilient Maintenance System to Avoid System Disruptions Due to External Shock: Application to Drainage System in Qatar
Qatar, Resilience management, Risk assessment, System shocksAbstract
Many negative occurrences in any system cannot be linked to a single failure cause or system malfunction. They usually occur as a result of unforeseen combinations of typical performance variability. Disasters that human civilization has had to deal with in the past have highlighted the need of being ready and having the ability to quickly recover from a sudden and unexpected change in technological, organizational, social, and economic status of the community. Continuous emergences of business continuity disruptions lead to the global orientation towards resilience management application replacing the conventional risk assessment. The research studies risk assessment data prior to and after the emergence of resilience affecting shocks, and conducts a set of questions that will formulate resilience evaluation. The study proposed an evaluation framework of the current drainage system that will subsequently institutes a framework for a resilient system complimenting the main resilience attributes into three main models, and continuously improve its vulnerability status. The originality of this study lies on the unique demographical, geographical status of Qatar, the relative newness of drainage authority in Qatar and recent formation of its risk team.Downloads
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