Development of Smartphone-Based Learning Media on Computer and Basic Network Subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Gunung Sindur, Bogor Regency

Ujang Ridwan Maulana, Muktiono Waspodo, Zainal Abidin Arief
310 149


An obstacle in the process of practical learning is the unavailability of sufficient means. One side of the use of smartphone devices owned by students has not been utilized to the fullest. The purpose of this study is to develop smartphone-based learning media for class X basic computer and network subjects at SMKN 1 Gunung Sindur, Bogor Regency, and test the feasibility and effectiveness of the application of this smartphone-based learning media. The research method is research and development with a combined model of Borg & Gall and Dick and Carey. The material test results obtained a percentage of 92%, by assessing 4 aspects, namely material, language, presentation, and appearance. The test results by media experts and learning design experts obtained a percentage value of 80% which assessed aspects of media development and learning design. 3.Test the effectiveness of model development based on the results of N-Gain calculation obtained a value of 0.71 or 71%.


Learning media; smartphone-based; computer and netn basic.

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