Detection of Streptococcus Mutans in Saliva Using PCR Technique
Streptococcus mutans, Saliva, Dental caries, Students, PCRAbstract
The purpose of this paper was to detect Streptococcus mutans in saliva in a group of students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences through the PCR technique. The oral cavity is a dynamic environment that undergoes large and rapid fluctuations in pH, nutrient source and availability, oxygen tension, temperature, and osmolality. The ability of Streptococcus mutans to survive in such an environment is attributed to its ability to produce acids as well as glucans from carbohydrates, implicating it in the etiology and progression of dental caries. Detection of Streptococcus mutans using rapid, sensitive and specific methods is very important for early diagnosis and effective assessment of an individual's risk for dental caries. In this study, 30 students, aged 18-20, participated voluntarily, where the average age is 19.07 years, with a standard deviation of 0.57. From analyzing the saliva samples, we found that 86.7% (26/30), SE =0.033, 95%CI (83.7%-89.7%), of them were positive for S. mutans. From the analysis of the χ2 test to see the relationship between the variables taken in the study and the presence of S. mutans, we did not find reliable relationships. PCR, as a molecular biology method, proved to be quite efficient, sensitive and rapid for the detection of Streptococcus mutans from saliva.Downloads
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