Content Specific Keyboard Layout Design for Smart Tv Applications




smart Tv, keyboard layout design, genetic algorithms


This research aims to propose a genetic algorithm based methodology to design optimum keyboard layout for video streaming applications designed for smart TVs. Users need to use the arrow buttons on their remote controls to type the title of the movie or the TV show they are searching for. We downloaded approximately 9 million movie and TV show titles from the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) website. After data preprocessing, we calculated the frequency of letter sequences in these titles and used genetic algorithms to determine the optimum keyboard layout that would minimize the total number of clicks required to type the title using arrow buttons on a remote control. The proposed keyboard layout is tested using the movie titles in IMBD Top 100 list and compared with standard QWERTY keyboard and three other keyboards in alphabetical order. It was confirmed that the proposed keyboard layout required fewer number of clicks than other keyboard layouts in 83 titles and tied with one of the other keyboards in 4 titles.


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