Rheophysical Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Flow in Microcracks
Antistatic additives, Slit openness, Electric double layer, Streaming potential, MicrochannelAbstract
The rheophysical aspects of the non-Newtonian behavior of oil-water emulsion during flow in thin channels are considered experimentally. Using the microchannel model it is established that the nonlinear rheological effect in the flow of oil-water emulsion in micro-slits is mainly caused by the value of the electrokinetic potential of the system, by reducing of which it is possible to significantly weaken the non-Newtonian nature of the fluid. To regulate the electrokinetic potential, antistatic additives were used, the optimal concentration of which was established experimentally. Based on the Bingham model, rheological parameters of oil-water flow were estimated at different micro-slit clearances, in the absence and presence of an antistatic additive. It is established that a reduction in the electrical potential leads to a significant decrease in the yield shear stress during the fluid flow in the microchannel.References
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