I Heart Nature: Perspectives of University Students on Environmental Stewardship
Environmental stewardship, Environmental education, Environmental conservationAbstract
As the environment confronts multitude of dilemmas which tend to beset the ecological equilibrium, environmental stewardship is being strengthened in the academe. Furthermore, the onset of ASEAN integration posed challenges for ASEAN colleges and universities to strengthen its environmental education. This study was conducted to look into the perspectives of tertiary students on environmental stewardship. A total of 20 sophomore university students of the President Ramon Magsaysay State University in Zambales, Philippines served as the participants of the study. The primary instrument used in data gathering was an open-ended questionnaire supplemented by one-one-one interviews and small group discussions. The study found out that strong collaboration and stewardship are the keys to resolve environmental problems. Furthermore, the students have positive perspectives on environmental conservation and intensely commit themselves to be stewards of the ailing environment. Thus, it was recommended that the perspectives of the students on environmental stewardship be incorporated in the curriculum to make environmental education in ASEAN higher education institutions (HEIs) be more learner-centered, research-based and comprehensive.Downloads
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