Enhancing Efficiency and Safety in Self-Guided Logistics Vehicles: A Comprehensive Analysis and Integration of Hardware and Control Systems





Self-guided logistics vehicle, Material transport, Obstacle detection, Routing and scheduling, Sensors, Control system


Self-guided logistics vehicles have become increasingly popular in various industries and warehouses for material lifting and transportation purposes. These automated systems have proven to be valuable in both small-scale production lines and large areas. However, challenges persist in the field of logistics, where industries and factories face difficulties in efficiently transporting materials. In response to these challenges, self-guided vehicles have been employed, but issues such as collisions with obstacles, material falls, and rigid path constraints have been observed. This project aims to address these challenges by implementing hardware safety precautions and incorporating routing and scheduling capabilities to enhance system automation. The article presents a comprehensive analysis of hardware safety precautions and highlights key features including sensors, actuators, and control systems, which contribute to the overall efficiency and smooth operation of the self-guided logistics vehicle system. By integrating these elements, the system can overcome obstacles, ensure material safety, and adapt to changing traffic conditions, thereby optimizing logistics operations in industries and warehouses.


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