The Impact of Robotic Automation on Industrial and Productive Enterprises in Achieving Entrepreneurship
A corporation or company's production velocity and efficiency are essential. It is necessary to use robotic automation to create a successful organization in a competitive business environment. Recent investments have been made in robots across a wider range of manufacturing sectors. In this era of industry, recent advances in robotics technology are dramatically transforming the business and entrepreneurial landscape. Today, robotics is already well established in many areas of our professional, personal, and even daily lives. This technology can develop and modernize commercial processes, innovative ideas, services, and products and solve complex tasks by producing new results for the massive growth of entrepreneurial activities. This study aims to outline the significance of the impact of investment in robotic automation on business performance and employment at the enterprise level and its further perspectives. Following the review of the most important international articles on exploiting this technology, we conducted a brief study on an Algerian factory to learn about the level of use of robotics technology and its future prospects.Downloads
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