Business manager training and employee support

Mathieu Desgré, Sandrine Gaymard
4490 45


The world is changing, and with it the way we work and how we relate to our work. Businesses face many challenges to which they must adapt if they hope to remain competitive. In addition to the question of an ecological transition, respect for human rights and working conditions is essential. Today, faced with recruitment difficulties and turnover issues, well-being and the quality of life in the workplace have become priorities for companies that wish to maintain their attractiveness and keep their current employees; in this context, motivation is an essential variable. As such, it is necessary to look into current managerial practices and skills and their underlying factors. In this context, we are interested in the impact of managerial practices on employees. The two principal means of becoming a manager are to be promoted “internally” or recruited externally; these two manager profiles differ in training, professional experience and organizational culture. Stemming from the theoretical field of social psychology, notably the “Five core social motives” model (Fiske, 2003), we reflect upon the issue of managerial practices in the context of a France-based business.


Management; Training; Experience; Culture; Motivation

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