Design and Business Methodologies, to Define the Value Proposition, Promote Innovation and Successful Entrepreneurship
Education, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Value proposition, Shared valueAbstract
In developing countries with a broad entrepreneurial spirit; some ventures are not successful because good business ideas that solve specific needs and in a sustainable manner are not chosen. This situation is because there is a lack of knowledge on how to apply design and business methodologies to define one of the most important aspects of the business: The value proposition. Promoting and developing tools that merge and synthesize existing methodologies with a practical approach to reduce the difficulties that entrepreneurs go through when formulating an innovative idea is fundamental and urgent, especially in emerging countries. Due to the importance of understanding the needs of the user and their context, design methodologies are taken as the basis for development. The result is used by the largest number of entrepreneurs, through a free Nooc, a short online course, which explains how to apply the methodological tools developed, massifying access to knowledgeReferences
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