Temporality and its Effect on the Painting Medium of Expression as an Ontological Tool





Art, Science, Painting, Medium of expression, Society


This article starts from certain more recent perspectives on contemporary painting seen as both a consequence of media hybridization and a condition of Post-Medium (Krauss). In this techno-scientific era of conquering new territories of knowledge, modern painting has reflected its perpetual overcoming of the limits offered by its medium of expression through the so-called revolution of forms, ultimately leading to surpassing the spatial (two-dimensional) limits of the canvas by borrowing from the spatiality and performative nature of temporal manifestation which unfolds to the viewer step by step. At the same time, in this study, new needs for deeper understanding and clarification arise regarding the possibility of painting (art) for ontological revision manifested over time by probing its temporal implications - the way it relates to the past, present, or future - which have influenced these transformations within its medium of expression for understanding the present and shifts in thinking within the new paradigms through comparative analysis.

Author Biography

Liliana Mercioiu-Popa, Western University of Timisoara

Liliana Mercioiu-Popa is a visual artist and teaches painting at the Faculty of Arts and Design in Timisoara, Romania. Her artistic practice includes interventions in situ, painting, drawing and object.


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