Antisystem-Approach (ASA) for Engineering of Wide Range of Dynamic Systems
Antisystem-approach, Antisymmetry, Antineuron, Balance control, Compression of variablesAbstract
Following the famous third physical Newton’s laws, “for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action”, a new approach for analysis and design of dynamic systems was introduced by [Zacher, 1997] and called «Antisystem-Approach» (ASA). According to this approach, a single isolated dynamic system does not exist alone. For every dynamic system, which transfers its inputs into outputs with an operator A in one direction, there is an equal system with the same operator A, which transfers other inputs into outputs in opposite direction. The antisystem does not have to be a physical system; it can also be a mathematical model of the original system. The most important feature of ASA is the exact balance between a system and its antisystem, which is called “energy” or “intensity”. In the group theory the system and antisystem are denote as antisymmetric. They build duality, which is common in many branches of sciences as mathematics, physics, biology etc. In the twenty years since first publication of the ASA there were developed different methods and applications, which enable to simplify the engineering, analysing the antisystem instead of original system. In the proposed paper is given the definition of ASA und are shown its features. It is described, how the ASA was used in electrical and chemical engineering, automation, informatics. Only several applications will be discussed, although ASA-solutions are common and could be used for wide range of dynamic systems.References
Zacher, S. (2021). Antisystem-Approach (ASA) for Engineering of Wide Range of Dynamic Systems. International Journal on Engineering, Science and Technology (IJonEST), 3(1), 52-66.
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