The Influence of Explicit Emotional Information on the Inhibition Process of Deceptive Response: Evidence from ERP
Deceptive response, Emotional information, N200, P300, LPCAbstract
Deceptive response may be influenced by the individual’s internal emotional experience and external emotional information. Deception can bring nervous, fearful or even emotional experiences to the deceiver. The emotional experience can also affect deceptive behavior. Based on previous studies, this paper used facial expressions as a stimulus material, combined with explicit tasks, to study the impact of emotional information on the inhibition process of deceptive responses. The experiment adopted the emotional Stroop paradigm, used event-related potential to discuss the neural mechanism of the influence of explicit emotional information on deception. In the explicit task, it was found that high intensity triggered greater P300 amplitudes, high-intensity negative emotions triggered greater LPC amplitudes, and deceptive responses triggered greater N200, P300 and LPC amplitudes. These results show that in the explicit tasks, the impact of emotional information on fraudulent responses runs through the three stages of executive function. This is, inhibition stage, conflict and reaction monitoring stage and implementation stage. This study also found that negative emotion information had greater influence on deceptive response in explicit tasks.References
Wang, E., Tian, L., & Chao, W. (2020). The Influence of Explicit Emotional Information on the Inhibition Process of Deceptive Response: Evidence from ERP. International Journal on Engineering, Science and Technology (IJonEST), 41-55.
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