The Relationship of Intellectual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence to Students' Learning Outcomes in Intelligence Courses

Waruno Waruno, Zainal Abidin Arief, Mohammad Givi Efgivia, Rudi Hartono
223 155


Education is a very important aspect in an effort to improve the quality of human resources in various aspects of social, national and state life, therefore, in carrying out its functions, the POLRI can produce something optimal if the quality and quantity of POLRI members is continuously improved through the provision of quality education. The POLRI education system, which has been colored by military nuances, has an impact on the behavior of POLRI members who are arrogant, unprofessional, so that they are not liked by the public. In an effort to create professional and cultured POLRI members, and able to balance the level of public education, the POLRI education system is structured based on the national education system through the development of Police Science, which currently has a consortium (Institute for Curriculum Cooperation) Police Science at the Ministry of Education and Culture. The method used in this study is a survey method with correlational techniques. The variables of this study consisted of two independent variables, namely emotional intelligence (X1) and intellectual intelligence (X2). While the dependent variable (dependent variable) is the result of learning Intelligence. The population in this study were all participants. Students In Education Formation of the POLRI General Duty Brigadier at the Polda Metro Jaya Lido Bogor State Police School, while the sample of this study was 100 people. The results of this study are 1).There is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and learning outcomes in intelligence subjects. 2). There is a positive relationship between intellectual intelligence and learning outcomes in intelligence subjects. 3). There is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and intellectual intelligence together with the learning outcomes of intelligence subjects. 


Emotional Intelligence, Intellectual Intelligence and Intelligence Learning Outcomes

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