The Constant K and the Gaussian Temporal Evolution for COVID-19


  • Antonio J. Balloni Renato Archer Information Tecnology Center Dom Pedro I Highway (SP-65), Km 143.6 - Amarais - Campinas, SP - Brazil - CEP 13069-901
  • Rogério Winter Rogério Winter Unicamp e Exército Brasileiro, Campinas/SP, Brasil,


Gaussian constant K, COVID-19, Temporal evolution for constant K, Prevision, Trends, Countries, JHU/CRC


We present the Gaussian temporal evolution of Corona Virus, the temporal average constant Ktemporal average constant = Kt. The Kt and its standard deviation come from the analysis of 52 experimental Gaussian distribution -histogram-. We have analyzed all histograms from 185 countries presented in the reference (Johns Hopkins, 2020), and, we found 52 countries have a definite trend towards an experimental Gaussian profile. As a result, we found Kt = K52 countries = (35 ± 5) days - average & standard deviation-. We also calculate using an experimental Gaussian got in reference (Johns Hopkins, 2020), the temporal evolution for the world, the constant Kworld. We found Kworld = Kw = (47 ± ½) days. Finally, up to this date, 20 April/2020, we have only 52 of 185 countries presenting the trends towards an experimental Gaussian profile (Johns Hopkins, 2020). The main conclusion from this short communication is that the standard deviation found -Kt = (35 ± 5) days-, is very low, which is very good. Therefore, we may conclude the maximum spread of the Corona contamination will occur in a maximum of up to 40 days from the first registered contamination and, in the worst scenario, up to 30 days. Regarding the Brazil peak of contamination, on 10 March/2020, we carried out A PREVISION, and, in that time, we have affirmed by reasoning, the peak in Brazil would be around 10-15 April/2020. Up to this date, there is a confirmation of this prevision. (Johns Hopkins, 2020). For our next prevision, the decrease from contamination must trend to zero among 30-40 days after the peak contamination. These are the most critical situation faced because the real zero takes a while to get to null and, if no personal safety such as social reclusion is adopted, the contamination starts all over. Finally, we have observed the Kw has a shifting in the function of the time and, our finding explains this.

Author Biography

Antonio J. Balloni, Renato Archer Information Tecnology Center Dom Pedro I Highway (SP-65), Km 143.6 - Amarais - Campinas, SP - Brazil - CEP 13069-901

Antonio José Balloni ( 1977 to 2016: Undergraduate, MS, and Ph.D. by Institute of Physics –University of Campinas – UNICAMP-/Brazil-. 1992-93: Postdoctoral researcher at IMEC/Microelectronics/Belgium. 2014-15: Postdoctoral researcher in the UNC at Chapel Hill/Department of Public Policy/USA. Main Publication: aiming at contributions to artificial Intelligence improvements the understanding of human beings' cognition. Paper< >. This paper was published at the end of July 2017 and, since then, has been among the most read from my workplace: look at Project Log < > 1988 to date: Researcher at Center for Information Technology Renato Archer -CTI/Brazil-. 2002 to date: Creator from the GESITI Program. (Management of System and Information Technology towards Organizations): < >. 2005-14: invited professor by the Institute of Economics/UNICAMP, lecturing about Management Information System2010-12: Member of the Scientific-Technical Council at CTI/MCTI. Member of the Commission for Probationary Evaluation. 2015-18: Member from the Human Resources Commission for Researchers Improvements. 2014-17: NSF assessor -invited by Maryann Feldman-2017 to date: Assessor from FAPESP2019: Member from the Commission for Decision Making and Choice from the news members for the Scientific Technical Council from CTI Renato Archer.Publications: • 04 books: • 70 papers: • GESITI/Health paper selected as the best from the congress < >, see also < >. • GESITI/Health in the Brazilian Business Awards 2017 < > • GESITI Health best paper < >. 2003-18: General Manager of nine editions of an international GESITI Workshop < > Brazilian champion in basketball -Master Category- < >. Belongs to a beekeeper family, an ecologically correct endeavor with technological innovation < > (copy and paste) Have Italian roots –Brazilian and Italian citizenship-


The paper was submitted for International Conference on Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology (iLSET)appreciation on April 14, 2020 and has been accepted for presentation, proceedings publication by iLSET, and publication at the journal, IJonEST.





