Development of Integrated Media for Promoting of Thai Cuisine to Global Market
Thai cuisine, Media development, Media evaluation, Public relationsAbstract
The research aims to develop suitable integrated media for public relations of Thai food innovations created under the research project Thai Food to Global Market. The sample group is 257 tourists. The research tools are 1) integrated media for public relations of Thai food to Global Market including website, video, mobile application, and AR publication, 2) media evaluation form for Thai food and public relations media expert, and 3) satisfactory survey of tourist on the integrated media. The results indicate that 1) quality of the integrated media developed under the research has met the standard with a Very Good score level evaluated by media experts, and 2) tourists are satisfied with the integrated media with the highest satisfactory level, in which online media and mobile application are the most satisfied media by tourists both in term of content presentation and its accessibility. The research also illustrated that the convergent media concept can be performed in order to enhance its accessibility and target of the media itself. The procedure used to develop the media in the researches has indicated a significant outcome suggested from the quality of the media and satisfactory level of the media receivers.References
Kheerajit, C., Paisarnsombat, S., Rampai, N. & Sompong, N. (2021). Development of Integrated Media for Promoting of Thai Cuisine to Global Market. International Journal on Engineering, Science and Technology (IJonEST), 3(2), 113-118.
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