Effect of Heat Treatments on the Corrosion Resistance of Carbon Steel Using Salt Water
Corrosion, Salt water, Plain-Carbon Steel, Heat TreatmentsAbstract
The aim of this research is to study the corrosion behavior of carbon steel, because corrosion is common defects that occur to the devices and machinery after manufactured. Plain –carbon steel is considered as one of the most important minerals used in industrial applications. The direct effect on the corrosion behavior of steel is heat treatments because of galvanic corrosion which building up between its microscopic phases. In three methods carbon steel has been treated thermally which the hardening, normalizing, and annealing. Used salt water as corrosive media for a period of (30, 45, 60) days. The steel contains chemical compounds to show its effect on the corrosion. To compare between the results and to determine corrosion rate used weight loss. The results obtained show that the lowest corrosion resistance is for the hardened steel and the corrosion resistance of the annealing steel is the greatest, while the corrosion resistance of the normalized steel is in-between them.References
Alsarraj , G. I. & Basheer, E. A. (2022). Effect of Heat Treatments on the Corrosion Resistance of Carbon Steel Using Salt Water. International Journal on Engineering, Science and Technology (IJonEST), 4(1), 34-10.
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