Geometrical Optimization in the SoftAge

Márcio Antonio de Faria Rosa, Daniela Pereira Mendes Peres, Rafael Peres
299 153


We are increasingly making use of software in such a way that we should review education in mathematics. The concepts of level curves and gradient field empowered by software images help the understanding of strategies and resolution of optimization problems by the mathematics user in the softage. More than obtaining solutions from straight commands and with the help of the geometric approach the mathematics user can realize the situations when these commands help or how to deal with a problem whenever they are not so helpful.


Optimization, Level Curves, Gradient Vector Field, Software

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Rosa, M. A., Peres, D. P. M., & Peres, R. (2022). Geometrical Optimization in the SoftAge. International Journal on Engineering, Science and Technology (IJonEST), 4(2), 138-142.



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International Journal on Engineering, Science and Technology (IJonEST)-ISSN: 2642-4088


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