Characterization by Electric Impedance Sensing of Normal and Cancer Cell Attachment and the Effect of Ginseng
Cell attachment, Cell membrane, Epithelial cells, Ginseng, Electric impedance sensingAbstract
This research reestablishes an application of an Electric Cell Substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) system to examine the effects of Ginseng on the attachment of epithelial cells; HaCAT (healthy human skin cells) and A431 (human carcinoma cells). The study is functionally a continuation of the authors’ previously published paper, where an identical set of experiments were carried out for the putative homeopathic Reishi. The purpose for this study was two-fold: (1) to investigate variations in results between a roundly discredited homeopathic (Reishi) and a studied, well-accepted homeopathic (Gensing), and (2) to justify the experimental technique from the results - as the electric impedance sensing technique has heretofore been considered itself experimental; specifically, impedance measurements reflecting cell-to-cell binding and their associated binding electric field strength and the high correlation to shape (normal vs. cancer) and cluster size (as measured by increased field strength in greater clusters). Here the impedance analysis shows that Ginseng at applied doses does not alter the impedance of HaCAT colonies but that Ginseng does significantly increase the strength of cell-to-cell attachments in A431 colonies and may confer previously suggested anti-inflammatory properties. This result is not seen with the previous set of Reishi experiments, and this correct distinction provides more ammunition for the electrical impedance sensing technique as a valid differentiation in cell attachment.References
Martinez, A., Kong, S.S.Q., & Behravan, M. (2022). Characterization by Electric Impedance Sensing of Normal and Cancer Cell Attachment and the Effect of Ginseng. International Journal on Engineering, Science and Technology (IJonEST), 4(2), 157-162.
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