Gauss with Elementary Matrices in the SoftAge
Softwares, Gauss, Elementary matrices, Linear algebra, Math educationAbstract
Software can be employed to solve math problems and we have to cooperate with them not passively but in an active way. In this article, we present situations in which the software user should be careful in order to avoid the use of the straight commands of the software that may put a matrix in its echelon form or give straight its rank. Wrong results appear in Wolfram’s Mathematica software if the matrix has algebraic entries. Using the Gaussian elimination step by step method with the help of elementary matrices is a good strategy for the software user in such cases.References
Rosa, M. A. F., Peres, R., & Peres, D. P. M. (2021). Gauss with Elementary Matrices in the SoftAge. International Journal on Engineering, Science and Technology (IJonEST), 3(1), 7-11.
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