Development of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Based Flipbook Media on Science Learning At SDIT Ar-Rohmaniyah, Bogor City

Hasbulloh Hasbulloh, Zainal Abidin Arief, Muktiono Waspodo
324 168


This study aims to develop and test the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) flipbook learning media in class V science learning at SDIT Ar-Rohmaniyah, Bogor City. This study used the development model of Borg and Gall and Assure.  To test this feasibility using the assessment of 3 experts, namely media experts, design experts and material experts.  The media feasibility assessment by material experts obtained a score of 94% with the category "Very Decent". The assessment by media and instructional design experts obtained a score of 75% with the category of "worthy". The average rating by experts is 85% with the category "very worthy".  To determine the effectiveness of problem-based learning-based flipbooks  , an N-Gain test analysis was carried out. The calculation result of the N-Gain test was obtained by 0.82 or 82%. Where such results fall into the category of high N-Gain. Based on the results of expert feasibility tests and N-Gain calculations, problem-based learning-based flipbook media  is feasible and effective for use in class V science subjects in SDIT Ar-Rohmaniyah Bogor City. 


Flipbook, IPA, Media.

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